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Semester Blog Archives
TTS34 Semester Blog
South America, Spring 2019 TTS34 Semester BlogThe content on this blog will remain private throughout the semester. We maintain this privacy for risk management purposes as well as to ensure that you are the first to discover what your daughters are experiencing on...
TTS33 Semester Blog
South America, Spring 2019 TTS33 Semester Blog Note: To read this blog in chronological order, read from the bottom up. Gratitude Yesterday we reached that anticipated moment when our airplane touched down on U.S. soil in Miami, FL. The girls in the seats around us...
TTS32 Semester Blog
Southern Africa, Fall 2018 TTS32 Semester Blog Transitions, Beginnings, And Holding Space In many ways Thanksgiving is a simple marker for the beginning of our shift toward returning home. It is a holiday which many cherish and a marker of the time and distance which...
TTS31 Semester Blog
South America, Spring 2018 TTS31 Semester Blog Welcome to Spring 2018 blog- South America Thank you! Dear TTS31 Family, As our journey comes to a close, we are filled with gratitude for the many people who have made this semester possible. As is customary with a...
TTS30 Semester Blog
Southern Africa, Fall 2017 TTS30 Semester Blog Welcome to the Fall 2017 blog- Southern Africa. Time to Transition We’ve now traveled thousands and thousands of miles, slept in over 30 different locations, visited four countries, and met countless people that...