

Our mission is to amplify student voices through transformative education to ignite positive change.


We envision a world in which strong, compassionate leaders build an equitable and sustainable global community.


Our strategy is to cultivate inclusive, collaborative learning spaces to empower young people whose voices might otherwise be silenced on the basis of gender.



Empowered Alum


The idea of The Traveling School sprang from a group of high school girls and founder Gennifre Hartman in 2000. They imagined a dream school – one high school semester to travel the world, fully engaging in a region to learn firsthand about its history, people, challenges, and its heroes. They believed this school should mix experiential academics along with outdoor and cultural activities. This would be more than school – here, students would become a community of learners.

The Traveling School launched its first semester in the spring of 2003. Since that time, many talented and committed individuals have helped us realize this dream. Today, The Traveling School demonstrates a strong track record of providing exceptional semesters that serve as a catalyst for future leaders who return home from their dream semester with the confidence, insight and dedication to become agents of change.


The Traveling School enables students to see different cultures as equals. It teaches the girls to be critical of what they hear in the media and to make their own decisions. It shows them a side of life that, due to most of their personal circumstances, they may never have seen. It inspires strength and confidence in young girls that will never leave them.

A Traveling School semester provides an adventure that they may never again have the freedom to experience. But, through their memory, will last them a lifetime.

Jennifer, 2013 Alumnae Parent