TTS36 Semester Blog

TTS36: Happy Thanksgiving
Happy Thanksgiving, from Biosphere 2! Let us set the scene for you: It’s a windy morning in Tucson, Arizona, and eleven girls stumble out of bed, bleary-eyed and eager to start the day. Within moments, the silent air is filled with cheerful voices: “Lulu,...

Life with TTS36: From Red Rock Learning to “Tent-or-Treating”
Hello from Verde Valley School (VVS) in Sedona, Arizona! Each morning at VVS, we’ve awoken to sunlight and red rocks out our dorm windows. The warmth is a welcome respite from many cold nights in the high elevation deserts of southern Utah, and we’re...

TTS36 Gallery – Desert Happenings

TTS36 Week 11: Hello from Chaco Canyon Cultural Park
Hello from Chaco Canyon Cultural Park, New Mexico! (and a quick re-cap of the past few weeks!)Camped near the cultural park, we enjoy the renowned view of the ancient Puebloan ruins, amazed this is one of our last true wilderness experiences. The dropping...

TTS36 Weeks 1-5: Student Interviews

TTS36 Academic Update
Hello from Torrey, Utah, where our tents are set up against the red rock backdrop of Capitol Reef National Park. We cannot believe we are already five weeks into our TTS semester! Over the past month, we have covered tremendous ground. As we descend into...

TTS36 Gallery – Missouri River Expedition

Living and Learning in the Backcountry from a Canoe
By Aunge Two wise and knowledgeable MWS (Montana Wilderness School) instructors joined our TTS crew as we paddled 8 boats over 90 plus miles down the Missouri River. With their guidance, students mastered setting up mids (tent-like shelters with a center...

TTS36 Gallery – Week 1

Never A Dull Moment
By Aunge & DrewWe finally made it! After all the anticipation, packing, good-byes, and re-packing our TTS36 crew finally met in Bozeman – ready to rumble, with some nerves and curiosity about what’s in store for the semester. The first 24 hours...