It’s not too late to join a Traveling School semester for this school year! We need more students to round out our spring term in South America. Do you know any 10th, 11th, or 12th graders looking for a unique high school experience? Just a few reasons to join TTS...
From Otavalo, Ecuador, to Huaraz, Peru – we cover some serious distance in these photos! I hope these snapshots give a peek into our days of class outside, celebrations, fashion shows, meals, and adventures into nature. A photo says a thousand words… but...
Send us snail mail for your student by April 1 – The deadline for us to receive student mail is 4/1 so Chloe can take it over when she meets the group in Peru. Our hope is that each student will have at least one piece of mail for our...
Collaborative projects and place-based learning continue to be driving forces in each class! Take a peek at some recent work from two classes: Honors Literature and Composition and Honors Statistics. Honors Literature and Composition just finished their second unit,...
Carolyn Hamilton is an alumna parent. Her daughter, Frances, was on semester 32 in southern Africa. As the next adventurous and curious band of young women embark on their own adventure, she wanted to share some advice and perspective: On this winter morning, I ask...
We’ve got big news – The Traveling School has a revised mission and vision, and a new strategy statement! The Traveling School’s historic mission and vision focused on female voices and female leaders. Over the past two years, we have been evaluating our language in...